When a home building company calls and wants you to implement a fresh new look for their parade home you jump on it! I was so excited to bring a new look to Arive Homes, parade home this year. I was given some parameters to stick to in order to fit their clientele, but other than a few guidelines they like to keep, I had free reign to come up with a design that would stand out, and give viewers a new outlook on the home building ideals. If I've learned anything in my time as a designer, I've learned that there are no rules. There are some general guidelines to create an inviting, functional and comfortable home, but aside from that, you can do whatever you want! It's your space, you get to live there and create a home that speaks to you and functions the best for your lifestyle. If that means you don't want traditional pendants over your island, or a massive fireplace, or even crystal balls on your newel posts you do it!
It's also about taking risks. These risks must come with some deep thought and consideration, but should be taken! If no one takes risks we will be recreating the same spaces over and over, where's the growth and excitement in that? This home was a great opportunity to push the envelope a bit with unique tile patterns, funky light fixtures, and unexpected finish work.